Lipstick Glasses Frames

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Women have possessed a fascination and desire for lipstick dating back to ancient Egyptians. Luscious color palettes have ranged from light pink to apple red and from shiny gloss to daring black. REM Eyewear has brought the passion, seduction, and fun of lipstick to frames with the release of new styles in the Lipstick Eyewear collection.

Women who are drawn to Lipstick Eyewear are aged 18 to 45 and possess a passion for bold fashion. They won’t compromise style for value and appreciate contemporary designs. These fashion-forward females enjoy personalizing their individual style and insist on wearing the latest trends.

What makes this collection so desirable are its tantalizing colors and one-of-a-kind designs. Head-turning temple patterns are inspired by modern textiles and the color palette is a combination of easy neutrals to bold and vibrant hues.

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